Thursday, July 2, 2009

What If?

Recently my son A was married. The time between his birth and his marriage seem like a blink of an eye. My daughter K in now looking for an apartment to start her independent life. She has been living at home since graduating from college a year ago. From the moment they were born my husband and I have loved and nurtured them with the tool box we had available to us. They have grown into thriving, independent, compassionate, loving, happy adults.

Another bedroom will soon be empty except for the few items left to identify whose room it was. As A and K move on to the next chapter in their lives my husband and I must do the same. Although this is the natural progression of life, it has not been easy for us to let go. I can honestly say there is nothing, and I mean nothing, more important to us than our children. So when I hear that 1 in 10 children in our State are hungry the first thing that comes into my mind is "What if they were mine?"

Dorothy Goodwin

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