There is a saying going around, “When you see something, say something”! In my case, I have to tell you what I see when I visit the food pantries. I see men, women and children. Yes, children. I see the well dressed and the not so well dressed, I see the clean and the unclean. I see what happens to a face when it is full of worry and pale from being hungry. I see that there is very little talking and no eye contact. I see what I have not known but what I cannot give up on. I see that in Massachusetts, in every city and town, there are those who are struggling. The majority of these individuals have lost their jobs, or are underemployed, have an illness, or their fixed incomes are not enough to keep up with basic needs.
Recently I was asked what I did. I think that meant what I did for work. So I answered “ I work at a non profit that I started with some friends two years ago.” The person responded with “I didn’t expect you to say that”. Then I went on to say what we do at Gathering Change, Inc., how many food pantries we have helped (36) and how our goal is to spread across Massachusetts. I told her we do this with an unpaid working board and over 100 volunteers. When she asked me how I got so many volunteers to help I said “I did not know.” I was caught off guard. The real answer should have been “Because we all know someone.”
This month I have the privilege of delivering $10,000 from spare change donations to the food pantries throughout Massachusetts. Some are in affluent towns, while others are in the inner city, but all are in need. If you would like to come along please let me know. I would love for you to see what I see so you can say to others what I am saying to you!
Dorothy Goodwin, President